Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DTC 356 Blog #2

Weinberger discusses in chapters 1 & 2 the physical order of things and data and how this cannot be translated into the digital realm in the way we have traditionally organized knowledge and physical thins. There are three types of organization, called the three orders of order.
Objects and data are the first. The second, physical meta-date, is like a card catalog. The third is digital data that has no by physical limitations. Weinberger thinks that because the internet is filled with miscellaneous information that there is no logical organizational place for everything in the digital realm.
In the second chapter he discusses methods and how disorder is inefficient in physical terms, but when it comes to the internet and computers and labeling, and keywords, there is so much more gray area to finding things stored on your computer and the web.

I keep my apartment super organized as well as photos/hw etc on my computer. I have folders and sub folder for everything, labeled by date and assignment, complete with quick description. This is because I am totally OCD about organization. Without being this way though, it would be totally difficult to manage my portfolio, and save to my hard-rive each semester to free up space on my computer. I also really really dislike having a messy room. It takes me forever to find things/clothes/HW and such when everything isn't put away where it belongs. When i am messy, things don't get done as quickly as they should and it stresses me out. If its not where i last put it, for some reason, things get lost in a black hole that follows me around. therefore. yep. borderline OCD.


  1. I am the same when it comes to my room. If I am unable to find something in,say, 5 minutes, I might as well chalk that one up to being lost. There is also a peace of mind when that I think everyone gets when their living space is organized, So I am right there with you on keeping the room clean

  2. I understand the need for organization, especially on your computer. I do a lot a post production video work on my computer and have to back it up and keep my files organized, or I might have a disaster. You brought up some good points about the reading, and I like that you explain how disorder in physical terms is inefficient, but in the digital world, it is not as clear.

  3. You mention that Weinberger thinks that because the internet is filled with miscellaneous information that there is no logical organizational place for everything in the digital realm. Do you think that the web itself is not organized? Do think business like Amazon are trying to customize your shopping experience to try to organize things by whatever item we search for to bridge that gap of no digital organization?

  4. There is for certain a large benefit having well organized computers. The websites I have designed require a large degree of organization. All my other digital work is also organized quite specifically on my computer. What I find interesting is how differently people would organize data on a computer compared to other people. I wonder how much variation you and I would have organizing the images on your photo?

  5. order=time. Good point. I would've been curious to hear a bit more about the 3rd order of order, it's often the hardest to explain (if if you conceptually 'get' it).
